What to Expect When You Contact The Strength Studio Nottingham
So, you’ve decided you want to join the gym. You’ve emailed us explaining your circumstances, why you’re ready to...
In the fitness world, big-name gym franchises often dominate the landscape with their extensive facilities and high-tech equipment. However, small gym businesses offer unique...
Weight training, often associated with bodybuilders and athletes, is a powerful fitness tool that offers numerous benefits beyond muscle gain. Yet, many women shy away from lifting...
Strength Training: What Is It and Why Do We Make Everyone Do It?
At The Strength Studio, we’re big into strength training. Our knowledge of strength is not just for those who...
In my peri-menopausal years I found myself feeling tired, getting injuries from exercise, getting ill more regularly and feeling physically weak – all symptoms of my decling...
Running is often perceived as the pinnacle of cardiovascular exercise, emphasizing endurance, stamina, and lower body strength. However, to maximize performance and reduce injury risk,...
As women approach perimenopause and menopause, their bodies undergo significant changes that can affect physical and emotional health. Weight training emerges as a powerful tool to...
I didn’t immediately realise that I had stopped looking in the mirror at my own reflection…being 9 months postpartum during the Covid lockdown meant I had my hands full and my own...
In the realm of fitness, the allure of achieving a perfect physique, reaching a target weight, or hitting a performance milestone often dominates our goals. However, there is profound...
Muscle is a crucial component of the human body, integral not just to physical strength and aesthetics, but to overall health and functionality. From basic movements to complex...